Forgiveness, the Passionate Journey: Nine Steps of Forgiving through Jesus' Beatitudes
Flora Slosson Wuellner writes to meet the needs of those who find it difficult to forgive others and themselves in a way that is emotionally healthful and truthful and that is an integral part of Christian spiritual growth. She writes to answer why forgiveness, so central in Jesus' life and teaching, seems much more difficult today. Why are we so often told we should forgive but so seldom shown the steps by which forgiveness is possible? Wuellner explores the Beatitudes to see the deeper meanings of forgiveness. She helps readers recognize new ways of relating to one another within the vision offered by Jesus in the nine Beatitudes. In these blessings readers will discover an open door to new healed ways of relating to God, to others, to themselves, to the communities around them, and to generations behind them.
- ISBN: 9780835809450
- Author: Flora Slosson Wuellner
- Pages: 160
- Year: 2001