Thomas Nelson
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger
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When Ron Sider's Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger first appeared almost forty years ago, it shook readers to the core. Informed about the issues of world hunger and poverty, they could no longer ignore the plight of their global neighbors. This thoroughly revised edition of Sider's bestselling book outlines the progress that has been made in the last four decades—and the work that is still left to do. Every day 18,000 children under five still die of starvation and preventable diseases, and more than a billion people live in relentless, unrelieved poverty worldwide. Why is there still so much poverty? Sider explains poverty's complex causes in this new edition and offers concrete, practical proposals for change.
- Author: Ronald J. Sider
- Pages: 368
- Year: 2015
- ISBN: 9780718037048