Practicing Discernment Together
To discern is to hear and understand Gods voice as articulated by the Holy Spirit, resident within us. Discernment is a necessary precondition for faithfulness to God's leadings. This is as true for groups as it is for individuals, which means it is true for congregations and businesses that want to obey Christ. Group discernment is an essential ingredient of anything that Christ's followers seek to do together. Even the smallest Bible study group or informal gathering makes decisions. That decision making carries with it the potential of strengthening the spiritual depth of each member of the group, but it also makes misunderstanding, division, and even the complete destruction of the group possible. This book is an invitation into an exploration of the ways God wants to enrich, instruct, and guide groups of believers called into common endeavors.
- Authors: Lon Fendall, Jan Wood, Bruce Bishop
- Pages: 168
- Year: 2007
- ISBN: 9781594980091