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The Intrepid Quaker: One Man's Quest for Peace: Memoirs, Speeches, and Writing of Stephen G. Cary
Pendle Hill Publications

The Intrepid Quaker: One Man's Quest for Peace: Memoirs, Speeches, and Writing of Stephen G. Cary

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How far should I go in making my witness? The answer is just so far as I can continue to feel the humanness of my adversary and exercise toward him the same loving compassion and understanding that I want for myself. It is a spirit that sets limits, just as at the same time it is a spirit that compels, that turns back our timidity, that says take a stand when others say wait, let's be careful, all the evidence isn't in. Steve Cary's memoirs, speeches, and writings reveal a leadership and philosophy that mirror the Quaker experience in education and peace work in the latter half of the twentieth century

  • Author: Stephen Cary
  • Pages: 337
  • Year: 2003
  • ISBN: 9780875749433

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