Annice Carter's Life of Quaker Service
Annice Carter (1902–1988) was born on a farm in Indiana, yet her life came to encompass the breadth of the United States as well as service in Palestine and Africa. She was a direct witness to conflict in the Middle East, dodged German U-boats during World War II, and encountered the anti-colonial movement in Kenya. Although spiritually rooted in Christian revivalism of the early 1900s, she grew to have an expansive, non-doctrinal understanding of her faith. Born in horse and buggy days, she made her first trips to Palestine on a steamer and her last one on a jet plane. In this extensive biography of a Quaker missionary, drawn primarily from thousands of her own letters, the complexity of a fascinating life is revealed — as well as fascinating details of complex issues of the 20th century.
- Author: Max L. Carter, Sarabeth Marcinko, and Betsy Alexander
- Pages: 264
- Publish: Friends United Press, 2023
- ISBN: 9781956149227, paperback
- ISBN: 9781956149234, e-book
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